Forms Committee

Learn about what the Forms Committee does and the committee members

To provide guidance toward the objective assessment of any current or proposed new form, the Forms Committee has developed guidelines on best practices for review of forms. The main principles are: digital first, patient attestation, appropriateness and remuneration.

Read more about the guiding principles.

Update to members

The Ministry of Health no longer requires a physician signature on the ADP Application for Funding Hearing Devices form.

The mission of the OMA Forms Committee is to advocate on behalf of physicians and to improve patient care by reducing the administrative burden that forms place on the entire health-care system. The committee is dedicated to ensuring appropriate physician remuneration for any forms requiring their completion and to constantly review and improve the process, include the use of new technologies.

The work of the committee includes:

  • Reviewing new and existing forms
  • Eliminating the use of unnecessary forms
  • Encouraging fewer and simpler forms
  • Improving standards and appropriateness
  • Recommending all new forms and processes be uniform, generic and digital 
  • Constantly rethinking the role of physicians in entering data into forms

The Committee provides the OMA with input on specific forms, often in consultation with OMA sections, assemblies and individual members. All forms requiring physician completion may be considered, including those from both the federal and provincial governments and their agencies, the insurance industry or third parties.


The OMA Forms Committee advocates for our members with the following stakeholders:

  • Government of Ontario and its agencies (Bilateral Burnout Committee, Ministry of Red Tape Reduction)
  • Canadian Medical Association 
  • Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association 
  • Canada Revenue Agency

Key accomplishments

Assistive Devices Program Application for Funding Hearing Devices form   

As a result of the hard work and tenacious efforts of the OMA Forms Committee and Bilateral Forms Committee, the Ministry of Health no longer requires a physician signature on the ADP Application for Funding Hearing Devices form. Effective Jan. 29, 2024, eligible Ontarians now only require the signature of an audiologist or speech language pathologist who is registered with the ADP program as an authorizer. The version of the form requiring a prescriber signature and an authorizer signature will continue to be accepted; however, physicians have been removed as prescribers effective immediately.

Read an update and additional background on this item.

Medical Certification of Stillbirth form 

The committee brought forward a recommendation that a fee code be implemented in the schedule of benefits for completion of a Medical Certification of Stillbirth (MCOS) form. This became effective July 1, 2023. The physician service of completing a MCOS is eligible for payment under fee codes A772/C772. This service is payable to the physician who personally completes the Medical Certificate of Stillbirth and includes counselling of family members rendered at the same visit. 

Respond to member queries 

The Committee reviewed and provided input to queries regarding the Ministry of Health First-time Application for Funding Home Oxygen Therapy form (014-2451-67E), pharmacy drug substitution requests, OSAP Disability Verification form, standardization of insurance forms, hospital centralized requisitions, ADP Hearing Aid funding form, and the CRA Disability Tax Credit Certificate (T-2201E) form. 

MAID Clinician B and C forms  

As a result of the new bill C-7, MAID introduced some changes to the Clinician Aid B Primary Medical Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner Medical Assistance in Dying Aid, and Clinician Aid C Secondary Medical Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner Medical Assistance in Dying Aid. The Committee reviewed and approved the revisions. 

Committee members

The Forms Committee is governed by a committee charter and is supported by the Economics, Policy and Research department. The committee members are:  

  • Dr. Scott Elliott, chair (Family medicine)
  • Dr. Debbie Dyke (Family medicine)
  • Dr. Jane Purvis (Rheumatology)
  • Dr. Marilyn Crabtree (Family medicine)

The Forms Committee would like to hear from you.

What is admin burden?

The Canadian Medical Association defines administrative burden as the following: Physician admin burden can be characterized by excessive volume of administrative tasks, redundancies and inefficiencies in the health system, low-value tasks that yield minimal benefit for the patient or the health system and admin tasks for which physicians do not receive appropriate compensation.

The impacts of physician admin burden are felt by physicians, the health system and patients.

An administrative task shifts from being part of a physician’s workload to being a burden when the task demands a disproportionate amount of effort relative to the value it generates for patients and the health system.

Committee activities 

The Committee meets regularly to address current issues and provide feedback on various forms and programs.

2023 activities

The Committee met seven times in 2023. The following are some of the key issues discussed:

  • Development of form-guiding principles and criteria for review
  • Met with CHLIA, CMA, RBC and Sunlife Insurance reps on reducing administrative burden
  • Collaborated with the OMA Uninsured Services Committee on form fees
  • Met with eHealthCE regarding supporting the development of eForms
  • To support the work of the Ministry of Red Tape Reduction in reducing the administrative burden caused by forms, the Forms Committee provided a list of 12 initial priority forms:
    • Accessible parking permit application
    • Unlisted drug product request
    • ODSP Mandatory Special Necessities Benefit Request
    • Ministry of Health Assistive Devices Program Application for Funding Hearing Devices
    • Ministry of Transportation Cardiovascular Assessment
    • Ministry of Transportation Mental Health Disorder
    • Ontario Disability Support Program Application
    • Health Assessment Form for Eligibility for Long-Term Care Home
    • Ministry of Transportation General Medical Report
    • Coroner reports
    • Ontario Works Limitations to Participation
    • Bariatric Registry Referral Form Portal
The committee identified this list based on consultations, surveys and communication from members on form issues.

The Forms Committee met six times in full-day meetings in 2022. The following are some of the key issues discussed:

  • Began discussions with CMA regarding the need for a coordinated national approach to standardizing long-term and short-term insurance forms
  • Conducted a survey to determine which unremunerated forms are the most burdensome in members’ practices. Medical notes for work, school/daycare, MTO mobility and accessibility forms, private insurance forms and MOH ADP benefit forms were identified
  • Voiced concerns with the Federal Ministry of Labour regarding Bill C-3 and the admin burden of ensuing sick notes that may occur

Unremunerated Forms survey results

The OMA Forms Committee conducted a survey to determine which unremunerated forms are the most burdensome in members’ practices. The participants were asked to list five forms they complete most frequently without receiving any remuneration.

Seventeen per cent of members surveyed listed:

  1. Medical notes for work
  2. School or daycare
  3. Ministry of Transportation mobility and accessibility forms
  4. Private insurance forms
  5. MOH forms for assistive device benefits

Other forms mentioned in the survey:

  • Accessible Parking Permit
  • Long/short-term disability form
  • Travel/trip cancellation
  • Hearing aids
  • Insulin and home oxygen therapy forms
  • Disability Tax Credit forms

This information proves useful, as it supports the Forms Committee’s ongoing efforts to address the administrative burden, that forms impart, and their impact that can lead to burnout.

In response to a list of unremunerated forms we received many examples of forms that are remunerated through a billing code or third-party payment.  The committee is prioritizing forms that are truly unremunerated (e.g., ADP, disabled parking permit) and will be using a different process for their review and approach to forms that may be under-remunerated.  Additionally, the committee wishes to remind OMA members that while billing for uninsured services, such as forms, can be difficult, for many physicians it is an important revenue stream to support their practice overhead and pay for their time. Please reference the OMA Physician’s Guide to Uninsured Services for billing information.

The Committee met seven times in 2021. The following are some of the key issues discussed:

  • MOH new Out-of-Country/Out-of-Province Prior Approval Program Application Form for Laboratory and Genetic Testing electronic and online submission

  • Addressed concerns regarding the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Medical Condition Report Form (version 2020/12) definition of obstructive sleep apnea which resulted in a form change

  • Reviewed the electronic Medical Certificate of Death (eMCOD) form and guide

  • Reviewed and approved the revisions  to the MTO Vision Waiver Renewal – Class G (SR-LC-118AE 2021/03) form

  • Provided a report to the MOH Laboratories and Genetics Testing Branch (LGB) with feedback and recommendations regarding the Out-of-Country (OOC) Electronic Lab Requisition

  • Had a discussion with MTO on an issue brought forward regarding the lack of inclusivity relating to the options for 'gender' in the Patient Information section of the “MTO Medical Condition Report form (K035)”

  • The OMA Forms Committee is supporting the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services (MCCSS) pilot project on the digitization of the Health Status Report and Activities of Daily Living Index, (completion of amalgamated forms for initial ODSP application), Health Status Report completed separately for initial ODSP application and the Activities of Daily Living Index completed separately for initial ODSP application

  • The OMA Forms committee conducted a member survey in November 2021 on the key contributors to burnout that physicians face related to patient forms. Thirty-four per cent of the total 490 responses ranked volume of requests for form completion and/or notes as the top contributor and 31 per cent ranked compensation for the work requested as second. Fifty-four per cent of the responses represented physicians in community-based medicine and 40 per cent in both community/hospital and hospital practices

The Committee met seven times in 2020, and the following issues were discussed:

  • Medical Condition Report form and the Medical Condition Specific follow-up forms to align them with legislative and program requirements (Ministry of Transportation)

  • Reviewed and approved the Special Authorization (Allergen) form #2772-87E (2020/01)

  • Discussed the Request for an Unlisted Drug Product Exceptional Access Program (EAP) form fee (MOH)

  • Completed a survey study on referral forms

  • MOH Lab Requisition validity extension proposal

  • Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Digital Disability Determination Project HSR ADLI 2018 form review

  • Collaboration with key stakeholders, Canadian Health and Life Insurance Association, Canada Pension Plan, CMA, OMA Committees


Ongoing projects

  • Investigate the completion and payment of government and third-party forms
  • Review referral forms and processes regarding consultations
  • Examine physician burnout related to forms
  • The transition of paper-based forms to digital format
  • Ways to ease the process of form management