Templates and resources

The OMA has many templates physicians can download and customize for letters, forms and invoices related to running a practice.

Employee policies and staffing

These downloadable templates can be used when workplace policies and manuals, as well as for hiring processes.

This template can be used to set out the rules and standards for staff.

An editable template you can use to create job descriptions for your staff.

This form can be used to rate candidates in the interview process.

A list of questions that can be helpful when interviewing job candidates.

An OMA Legal information guide on how to create a locum contract.

Forms to provide feedback on how to improve the experience.

Application forms to register as a locum physician or as a contract physician.

HealthForceOntario locum-related application forms and documents.

An editable template you can use when appraising staff performance.

A list of topics to include when creating a policy and procedure manual for your staff.

This will help you to keep track of tasks when hiring staff.

A list of questions you should address when reviewing your staffing needs.

This Word document template can be adapted for a workplace harassment policy.

This Word document template can be used to develop an office policy.

Operations and office management

These downloadable templates can be used for assessing office environments and understanding obligations under the law.

A poster that provides health-care workers COVID-19 and measles PPE recommendations.

This poster can be used to set expectations for wearing masks in your office.

A French version of a poster that can be used to set expectations for mask-wearing.

Information and details on physician obligations under Bill 168.

This form is to be completed annually by the employer.

This assessment is conducive to most physician office environments.

Patient care

These downloadable templates can be used for patient forms.

This form includes a list of the conditions and impairments that are mandatory to report, including fitness to drive.

OMA Legal has prepared a short paragraph statement and information to provide to patients on virtual care.

Contact us

If you have a question, feedback or are looking for a resource, please email us.


Starting a practice

These downloadable templates can be used when you are opening a practice.

A checklist that can be used to help you complete the tasks needed to open a practice.

Guidance to help you create a business plan and a strength, weakness, opportunity and threat evaluation.

Use the list to plan for the office technology, equipment and supplies your new practice will need.

This template can be used to collect patient information.

This template can be used when scheduling patient appointments.


Uninsured services

These sample forms and letters can be used when implementing an uninsured services program.

Physicians can use this letter when responding to requests to participate in activities that are not insured services.

This downloadable Word document template can be used for invoices for physician administrative work.

A form patients can use to confirm their enrolment in a billing plan.

This editable Word document provides a template for a physician letter to confirm a third-party request.

This letter can be used when patients miss scheduled appointments. It includes an area for missed appointment charges.

A letter for when patients miss scheduled appointments with specialists. It also includes charges for missed consultations.

This poster is designed to be displayed to help educate patients about uninsured medical and administrative services, as well as block fees.

This letter can be used to let your patients know about the uninsured services policy.

Another version of a letter to inform patients of the uninsured services policy.

This editable document allows you to put together a fee schedule for uninsured services.

This document can be used to let patients know what they are being charged for, and the cost of the service.

This Word document template can be used for invoices for third-party requests.

This editable Word document provides a template for an invoice for a third-party to copy and transfer of medical records.

This letter can be used when patients request a copy and transfer of their medical records.

This letter can be used to notify patients on a physician’s office policy on uninsured services.

Wrapping up your practice

These downloadable templates can be used when getting ready to close your practice.

This can be used when the practice is closing and no physicians are taking over.

This can be used when another physician will be taking over the practice.

A letter that can be used to inform OHIP, professional bodies and business contacts.

A letter that can be used to inform patients of a medical practice closure.

A letter that can be used to inform hospitals, long-term care, pharmacies, labs and others.

This sample authorization form is used for release of medical records.

A letter to inform patients when another physician is taking over a medical practice.

A voice message script that can be used to notify after a practice closure.