OHIP billing resources for Ontario physicians
Additional resources to assist you with OHIP billing, policies and practice management
Billing briefs
Ministry of Health resources
OHIP reference guides
Post-payment review
Education and Prevention Committee briefs
The Education and Prevention Committee works bilaterally with the Ministry of Health to improve physician awareness and understanding of appropriate OHIP billing by developing and communicating education resources. The committee publishes bulletins to provide general advice and guidance to physicians on specific billing matters. These bulletins can be helpful in understanding a particular area of the Schedule of Benefits (e.g., billing for time-based services). Learn more about the committee (member-only content).
Assessments and consultations
This guide will assist physicians in identifying the specific elements of assessments and consultations, recognize when limits apply and create awareness of common billing errors.
Education and Prevention Committee
Attendance at labour and delivery, sole delivery
This brief outlines when physicians can use the attendance at labour and delivery (P009) and sole delivery premium (E411).
Education and Prevention Committee
Billing for OHIP services
This web page includes OHIP billing policies and procedures as well as claims contact information.
Education and Prevention Committee
Fee codes for oncoplastic breast surgery
This guide covers the new fee codes (R102, R158 and R159) that were introduced to the Schedule as of April 1, 2023. These represent three levels of volume-displacement techniques, separated according to the complexity and level of skill and training required for each.
Education and Prevention Committee
Fee-for-service post-payment audit process
This guide to the Ministry of Health’s general process for audit of physician payments lets physicians know what to expect if their claims are reviewed and explains the general factors the ministry considers in the post-payment review process.
Education and Prevention Committee
How to get help with billing questions
In this guide, physicians will find information on how they can get help with billing questions.
Education and Prevention Committee
New fee codes for colonoscopic excision of polyps
Physician Services (Schedule) includes changes to fee codes for excision of polyps during colonoscopy. This change introduces new fee codes that reflect the size of polyps that are removed.
Education and Prevention Committee
OHIP services provided by postgraduate medical trainees
This brief focuses on appropriate billing by the supervising physician. A subsequent publication will address the circumstances where a resident or clinical fellow with an OHIP billing number can submit claims for insured services.
Education and Prevention Committee
Peripheral nerve surgical procedures
This provides an introduction on the new fee codes for major nerve transfer (N291) and minor nerve transfer (N293) procedures.
Education and Prevention Committee
Postgraduate trainees with OHIP billing numbers
Details on claims submitted by a resident or clinical fellow with an OHIP billing number, which are only eligible for payment under certain specific circumstances.
Education and Prevention Committee
Requirements for time-based services
Information in this guide includes understanding time-based insured services, requirements when claiming services that have specific time requirements, determining the time period that may be claimed and identifying common concerns leading to incorrect submissions.
Education and Prevention Committee
Rules regarding claim submission periods and stale-dated claims
A guide on how to appropriately submit claims and how to submit stale-dated claims with examples.
Education and Prevention Committee
Special visit premiums
This guide will assist physicians in understanding the three components of special visit premiums listed in the Schedule of Benefits, including when a patient visit is eligible for a special visit premium.
Education and Prevention Committee
Submission of claims for surgical procedures - common situations where manual review required
Information on common situations where a manual review of claims for surgical procedures is required.
Education and Prevention Committee
Trauma premium (E420)
This web page includes information on payment rules for the trauma premium, as well as common claims issues.
Education and Prevention Committee
Understanding the Schedule of Benefits
This educational module introduces the Schedule of Benefits and provides an overview of how to determine the most appropriate fee codes to claim for specific services.
Education and Prevention Committee
Virtual care services
This web page offers an introduction to OHIP comprehensive and limited virtual care services and fee codes.
Education and Prevention Committee
Virtual care services: Case-based billing examples
This billing brief provides case-based examples to illustrate the application of many of the virtual care payment rules and conditions.
Education and Prevention Committee
Virtual care services: Terms and conditions
An overview of select new payment rules and processes relevant to virtual care services (effective Dec. 1, 2022).
Education and Prevention Committee
Visits related to a surgical procedure
A billing brief providing clarification of visits related to a surgical procedure on what to expect before and after with case-based examples.
Education and Prevention Committee
When to use anesthesia unit fee code E013C
This web page includes details on E013C, which is a fee code that is only eligible for payment for anesthesia services related to life-threatening emergencies where there is structural airway obstruction above the carina.
Education and Prevention Committee
Ministry of Health resources
Resources include the Schedule of Benefits and OHIP INFOBulletins.
OHIP INFOBulletins for physician services
A web page with links to previous OHIP INFOBulletins, which inform payment, policy, program or software changes.
Ministry of Health
Master numbering system
Access to the unified Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care master numbering system.
Ministry of Health
Medical claims electronic data transfer
Learn about the medical claims electronic data transfer, a secure method of transferring electronic files to and from an authorized user and the Ministry of Health.
Ministry of Health
Ontario resources for physicians
Learning materials on the government of Ontario website that will help physicians bill OHIP.
Ministry of Health
Schedule of Benefits
A PDF of physician services under the Health Insurance Act, Feb. 14, 2025 (effective March 3, 2025).
Ministry of Health
Contact us
The OMA assists members with billing questions and Schedule of Benefits interpretation. If you have a question, please send us an email.
OHIP email updates
The Ministry of Health regularly publishes INFOBulletins, which offer information on payment, program or policy changes with regard to the SOB and/or other payment information, and updates related to system outages, scheduled maintenance, announcements of new services and OHIP claims office moves or closures.