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OMA News
Oct. 16, 2024

We’re stepping up the pressure on government like never before, and we need your help

Join our urgent Stop the Crisis campaign advocating for government to fix the crisis in health care. This is the fourth year of our key advocacy campaign, which includes Queen’s Park Day on Oct. 21 with members from across the province meeting with MPPs and making our voices heard.

Stop the Crisis reflects the urgent need to invest in our broken health-care system. Patients are suffering. Our colleagues are facing moral injury in a system that can’t meet the needs of our patients. We are pressing decision-makers to push health care to the top of their agenda.

A multi-media experience featuring physicians and patients

For the first time, the lived experiences of patients and physicians will be the heart and soul of our campaign. You'll see a compelling, interactive website featuring hard-hitting data and moving stories from patients and our colleagues, all to equip you and the public to demand government action. Our campaign also makes it clear: physicians are the bedrock of the health system and leaders in advancing change. 

Key advocacy areas

This year’s campaign will focus on the following six priorities: 

1. Family medicine
2. Northern and rural health care
3. Emergency department closures
4. Surgical, specialist and diagnostic wait times
5. Health workforce shortages
6. Digital innovation

We’re officially launching our campaign website featuring shareable social content today, and we’ll be promoting it through social media and paid advertising. We’ll be kicking it all off with a media briefing at 11 a.m. today. Join us there. 

While we are unveiling a lot today, we’ve already started building momentum. We’ve hosted a series of virtual town halls, which have drawn significant attention in communities across the province.  Thousands of Ontarians have dialled in, with many sharing their personal stories and perspectives. Join an upcoming town hall or check out past recordings

Help us keep the momentum going

We need your help. We hope you will share our campaign with your patients. We’re building a toolkit in the upcoming days that will make it easy to share our messages so stay tuned to hear more about this in OMA News. Only by channelling the voice of patients and the public can we move government to take action.  

There are many other ways to get involved. Become a health-care advocate by signing up to attend Queen’s Park Day. You can also help apply pressure by emailing the premier, the Minister of Health, and your MPP. And please share the campaign on social media and help us amplify the need for our solutions.  

Onward, toward a health system that can one day make us and our patients proud again. 

Dr. Dominik Nowak 
OMA President