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OMA News
Jan. 19, 2023
Dr. Adam Kassam
Immediate Past President

Cast your ballot in OMA elections

Ontario’s doctors are leading system-level solutions and having an impact. For many, it may not seem like it’s happening fast enough or that these changes have gone far enough—yet. But having had the privilege of a front row seat to the biggest modernization in our organization’s history, it’s clear the OMA’s influence is growing.   

Just this week, for example, the Ontario government announced it is introducing community surgical and diagnostic clinics to help mitigate lengthy wait times for surgeries and enhance overall health system capacity.  The OMA has been at the forefront of advocating for an integrated ambulatory care solution – both in a white paper that formed the basis of talks with government, and in the association‘s comprehensive advocacy document, Prescription for Ontario: Doctors’ 5-Point Plan for Better Health Care.   

This work is the direct result of the commitment and leadership of our members.  We need to keep this momentum going. That’s why I‘m reaching out to you this week, asking you to please exercise your democratic franchise. We need to harness your energies to continue our work in reshaping health care in Ontario and improving the OMA’s effectiveness in all that it does.  

Last week, you received an email notifying you that OMA elections are officially underway and will continue until Thursday, Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. OMA elections are a key part of our democratic processes, and an engine of member empowerment. It’s a chance to have your voice heard and drive your most important issues forward. Elected leaders help to serve our members and chart a path forward for our organization, its representation, and advocacy for members.  

OMA elections have evolved in really positive ways over the past few years. Members now directly vote for both the president and a smaller, skills-based board of directors. This year, the OMA has made further tweaks designed to make it easier for candidates to step forward and enable an engaging election in which all members are equipped with the information they need to effectively cast their ballot. 

You may have already heard from board candidates up for election, or your constituency leaders, or seen posts on social media. I commend all of those who have stepped forward for their commitment to making all physicians and their patient's lives better. I want to encourage you to meet the candidates by visiting the OMA website, which includes a board candidate town hall, comprehensive profiles of candidates, detailed instructions on how to vote, and more. 

Once again, this year, voting and membership renewal periods are being combined for ease and convenience. You will be asked to vote before renewing your membership. So please, take a moment to have your say, and engage in the future of your association.  

With gratitude, 
