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Ontario Medical Bonspiel Memory Project

In celebration of the Bonspiel's 70th anniversary, we embarked on a journey down memory lane to capture your incredible personal stories

The Bonspiel Memory Project is an archiving initiative based on your contributions, and we thank all of you who took the time to share your memories and photos. Your contributions ensure that all knowledge and achievements are preserved and accessible.

The 70th anniversary of the Bonspiel was held Nov. 16-19, 2023, and thanks to your submissions, we've weaved together a kaleidoscope of experiences to help preserve the history of this legendary event.

Your memories

Read the excerpts and experience some of the wonderful memories created over the years.

Dr. Jim Biaji
Medical oncology specialty
Dr. Jim Biaji
Medical oncology specialty

About 12 years ago, the famous all-women Dobenko team was short one female player. Now, these ladies were used to curling in kilts! When they could not secure a fourth woman for the squad, enter Barb Fuller’s husband Jim (me), who was relatively new to curling. 

In the spirit of fully belonging to the team, I agreed to wear a kilt to fit in with the rest of the team. The outfit was done real proper-like, including the socks, flashes and kilt pin. It was a big hit with the mostly male curling attendees, or perhaps it was just a big embarrassment.

Notwithstanding the potential humiliation I might have endured, I persevered with the kilt for two years before realizing how cold my bare legs were getting. I even dressed with the ladies before each game so they could help me with my kilt. 

Dr. Mercedes Pilkington
Pediatric surgery specialty
Dr. Mercedes Pilkington
Pediatric surgery specialty

My teammates and I first joined the Bonspiel as second-year medical students. We all studied for our first dermatology exam between games with many helpful hints from our fellow curlers (topical steroids for everything!). Our fellow curlers were incredibly welcoming. 

The Bonspiel has seen us through medical school, residency, fellowships, and finally, our careers as independent physicians and surgeons. Each year, we proudly wear our Queen’s Medicine 2013 sweatshirts as this serves as a yearly reunion. 
The “Queen’s girls” have enjoyed a rivalry with the “Western boys” since medical school, and Queens were the very proud winners of the Inter-University Cup the one year we were still medical students as they had moved on to residency ahead of us!

Dr. Paul Willoughby
Family practice specialty
Dr. Paul Willoughby
Family practice specialty

I have been attending the OMA Bonspiel continuously since 1973. My father participated from 1954 to 1995 when he lost to John Martin and said, "If John Martin can beat me, it's time to quit." (I later found out that John Martin quit after the same game saying, "If I can beat Clark Willoughby it's time to quit.") A Willoughby has been at the Bonspiel since 1954.

I still feel the main reason for going is not necessarily the curling, but the camaraderie that develops after years of seeing the same people and enjoying reconnecting each year. Have fun curling but whether you win or lose, it's the camaraderie and friendships that make this event special. 

1984 Sudbury. 12 curlers crammed into Brad Turley's station wagon travelling to a C+W bar to the tune of "Paradise by the Dashboard Light." 
1990 Windsor. Clate Sellers said to my father, "Clark Willoughby, I hate you, you beat me every time." He left the ice through a side door and went golfing.

Dr. Barbara Fuller
Retired; Family medicine specialty
Dr. Barbara Fuller
Retired; Family medicine specialty

I found the partner I went into private practice with through the OMA Bonspiel.

I was looking for a family doctor to work with in Newmarket. Via the networking at the Bonspiel with the teams from Newmarket, I was given the name of someone to contact. It has been helpful to have physician contacts in other cities throughout my career that I met through the OMA Bonspiel, too. 

There were 396 men and four women when I started curling in the Bonspiel, which continued into the 1990s when other women started attending the event. Our team always wore kilts, which made us stand out even more. It was held in several clubs and there was a waiting list of teams to get into the Bonspiel.  

Being the only women's team for years in a field of 100 teams made us very well known. We were also somewhat feared because we were all experienced curlers and often made it to the first event. 

I think this Bonspiel has been so successful and enduring because of the camaraderie and networking it provides. It is a fun weekend with a relaxed atmosphere. It is great to see many of the curling teams every year and catch up. It is also very welcoming to new curlers or people attending the Bonspiel for the first time.

Dr. Andrew Stapleton
Retired; Family medicine specialty
Dr. Andrew Stapleton
Retired; Family medicine specialty

This is a unique Bonspiel memory November 2016 at London Highland, the only 8-end scored in the history of the event!

Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Patrick
Retired; Internal medicine specialty
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Patrick
Retired; Internal medicine specialty

I remember a dedication to two of our missing members (Peter Johnson and Gerry Rowland). Gerry had a 21-bun salute and Pete a 21-bong salute.

Good and fun times...

From the archives

Check out photos from your submissions and the archives.

Join us at the 71st Bonspiel event

Register by Aug. 18 and receive $400 off per team or $100 per person