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COVID-19 member alert
Jan. 29, 2021

Town hall, OMA Education Legal Essentials, OMA Insurance plans, PPE discount

OMA town hall on the COVID-19 vaccines – register today! 

The OMA will hold a virtual town hall on Feb. 1 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. about the COVID-19 vaccines, with topics including information about the vaccines, the rollout and an opportunity for members to ask questions of their respected peers. This session will feature physician leaders from public health (Dr. Kieran Moore), infectious diseases (Dr. Isaac Bogoch), allergy/immunology (Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman), gastroenterology (Dr. David Geoffrey Morgan), obstetrics and gynecology (Dr. Constance Nasello), and rheumatology (Dr. John Carter Thorne).


New module: The Physician Employer: Legal Essentials!

This new OMA Education Network module is designed to help physicians understand their roles and legal responsibilities as a physician employer, and to be proactive to protect their business.

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Attention members of OMA Insurance plans

It has come to our attention that members recently received information from a competitor of OMA Insurance that contains misleading information about OMA’s group life, disability and professional overhead expense (POE) policies. If you need clarification or wish to learn more about OMA Insurance products, we encourage you to contact an OMA Insurance advisor at 1.800.758.1641 (choose option 1) or email


Advantages Retirement Plan™

Don’t forget, the RRSP deadline is March 1. Now is a great time to review your retirement savings goals. Schedule a virtual appointment with an OMA Insurance advisor to learn how the Advantages Retirement Plan™ can help you get back on track with your retirement savings.

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Steripro Canada Inc. - Preferred pricing on PPE supplies

OMA has partnered with SteriPro Canada Inc. to provide members with discounted pricing on certified medical grade Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) products, reprocessing and sterilization of medical devices and instruments.


Special savings on UpToDate

UpToDate® is an evidence-based, physician-authored resource that provides trusted clinical answers at the point of care. Discount available for OMA members!

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