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Idea submissions and prioritization

Every year, the General Assembly asks members for their ideas to drive the prioritization work. This year, members are encouraged to bring forward their most compelling ideas for the transformation of Ontario’s health-care system until Feb. 25.

What's new this year?

All ideas are important, but not all will fit into this idea submission and prioritization process. Some will fall under a different process, or may already be part of OMA work.

To better support members, we will review each idea to verify whether they fit in the prioritization process and offer clear responses so members know where their ideas fit and how the OMA plans to address them.

Some considerations when drafting ideas to see if they are best addressed in this process.

Does the idea you want to submit fit within the following parameters:

  • Aligned with the OMA strategic plan
  • Does not duplicate or contradict other OMA work (negotiations, OMF, OMA Insurance, other) 
  • Can result in recommendations that can be implemented and are in scope for the OMA
  • Is not urgent or time-sensitive, but has implications over the next 1.5 years
  • Can be worked on for 1.5-three years (i.e., strategic in nature)
  • Leverages staff expertise

Whats next?

Between March 25 and April 21, Priority and Leadership Group (PLG) delegates will review all published ideas and rate them based on patient reach, physician reach, stakeholder support, and feasibility.

PLG delegates will meet on June 1-2 to prioritize top rated ideas. One idea will be prioritized each for the Issues and Policy, Advocacy, and Compensation panels.

Thank you for submitting your idea to the OMA

The 2024 idea submission period is complete. OMA subject matter experts are currently analyzing idea submissions and may reach out to idea authors for clarification.

Please visit Ideanote to review and comment on all published ideas.

About this work

This work is part of the broader OMA governance transformation. In the first two years of establishing the General Assembly under governance transformation, we have formed the bodies of the GA that have successfully:

  • Supported the submission of 100-plus member ideas
  • Prioritized nine ideas
  • Received board approval for the first set of recommendations
  • Defined mandates for five working groups

Each accomplishment has been guided by the principles of a more engaged, transparent process for members, with a commitment to continuous improvement across all General Assembly activities.

Contact us for more information.

Published: Jan. 4, 2024  |  Last updated: Feb. 26, 2024