General Assembly: An overview

The General Assembly’s bodies work collaboratively to develop and recommend organizational priorities based on member input

The General Assembly is comprised of networks, the PLG, the GASC, panels and working groups. The GA collects member input to help identify and recommend priorities, including opportunities and challenges facing the profession.  

The General Assembly Steering Committee

The mandate of the GASC is to provide oversight of the various entities within the GA, ensuring that each fulfils its mandate and functions effectively.


  • Veronica Legnini, chair
  • Atul Kapur, vice-chair
  • Alykhan Abdulla
  • Joy Hataley
  • Sharadindu Rai

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Priority and Leadership Group 

The mandate of the PLG is to set member-driven priorities for the organization that are achievable and aligned with the OMA’s strategic plan, helping to modernize the organization and health care in Ontario.

The PLG includes 125 delegates consisting of elected leaders across all sections, districts, and fora. Learn more about the PLG, including its composition.

Key accomplishments

The GA has been in operation for almost a year. Accomplishments over that period include:

  • Recruitment of 120 PLG delegates, 21 panel members and five GASC members
  • Multiple town halls and information sessions on the GA
  • Dozens of ideas put forward by members for 2021 priorities (six advocacy, 15 issues and policy, 13 compensation)
  • Following careful analysis of all ideas, advocacy, and issues and policy priorities were determined by the PLG and later approved by board of directors. The respective panels have begun meeting to scope the work and identify the skills required on the working groups that will be tasked with developing concrete recommendations related to the priority.
    • Advocacy priority: reducing delays in patient care
    • Issues and policy priority: data supports for work and health human resources
  • A total of 53 member ideas have been received for 2022 priorities

Priority-setting process

  • All OMA members can participate in the process by submitting an idea or contributing to an already submitted idea by adding feedback, comments, etc.
  • Aided by background information and analysis provided by staff, PLG delegates then consider and rank ideas based on factors including impact to physicians, cost, feasibility, and alignment with OMA’s strategic goals
  • Once a priority has been selected, it is brought to the board for approval, before being assigned to the appropriate panel. Panel members discuss how to address the priorities through scoping the ideas and establishing parameters for each working group
  • Working groups complete the work and provide evidence-based recommendations, which are then brought to the board for approval

Learn more about the priority-setting process.

Looking ahead

Over the course of 2022, the focus will be on ensuring that:

  • 2022 priorities are selected
  • All three panels are operational
  • Working groups are established as required
  • Leadership development and networking opportunities are launched