Board committees: An overview

These committees perform work in varied and specialized areas as delegated by the board

OMA board committees have delegated authority from the board to perform work on complex or specialized issues, and bring forward recommendations for action to the board, which retains collective decision-making authority.

There are three standing committees of the OMA board of directors, including the Finance and Audit Committee, the Governance and Nominating Committee and the Human Resources and Compensation Committee.

In May 2021, the OMA board approved changes to board committee composition to align with broader governance transformation changes. Changes implemented to date include:

  • Smaller committee sizes to reflect the smaller, skills-based makeup of the board
  • Addition of an external, non-director financial expert on the FAC and an OMA member-at-large on the GNC. These positions provide an opportunity to broaden the viewpoints and perspectives in the committee’s work and address skills and/or expertise gaps that may exist. They also create a pipeline of potential future candidates for directorship.
  • Appointment of the chair of the General Assembly Steering Committee as a member of the GNC
  • Appointment of the immediate past president as an ex-officio member of the Nominations and Appointments Committee

In 2022, a broader review of the mandate and charter for each standing committee is being undertaken.

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About the board committees

Learn more about the mandate, composition and appointment process for the standing committees and other board and advisory committees.

Finance and Audit Committee
Finance and Audit Committee


To oversee the financial affairs of the OMA and to assist the board in monitoring the organization’s financial reporting and disclosure.


  • Sanjay Acharya, chair
  • Carmen Rossiter, vice-chair
  • Adam Kassam
  • Paul Conte
  • Sue Armstrong, CPA (non-OMA director)

Appointment process

  • Appointments to the FAC are made at the recommendation of the GNC and approval of the OMA board
  • GNC oversees the recruitment of the non-director financial expert and brings forward recommendations to the OMA board for approval. This individual must possess a CPA or other similar designation
  • Appointments are for a two-year term
Governance and Nominating Committee
Governance and Nominating Committee


To assist the board in gaining and maintaining reasonable assurance that the board’s composition, structures and practices will enable the board to discharge its oversight duty and the board’s other duties in a highly effective manner.


  • Zainab Abdurrahman, chair
  • David Collie, vice-chair
  • Audrey Karlinsky
  • Paul Conte
  • Veronica Legnini, GASC chair
  • Katherine McKay, OMA member-at-large
  • Rose Zacharias, president-elect (observer)

Appointment process

  • With the exception of the board chair, who is an ex-officio member of all standing board committees, OMA directors serving on the GNC are elected by the OMA board
  • The chair of the GASC is an ex-officio member of the GNC. The GASC chair is elected by PLG delegates
  • The president-elect is a non-voting observer on the GNC
  • GNC oversees the recruitment of the OMA member-at-large and brings forward candidates to the OMA board. In accordance with the policy for selecting GNC members, the GNC member-at-large is elected from those candidates by the OMA board
  • In the first year of appointing a member-at-large to the committee, notice of the recruitment was shared with all members across a variety of channels. Twelve applications were received for the position. The evaluation process included a quantitative assessment using a standardized skills matrix, as well as interviews of short-listed candidates. Following this process, three candidates were brought forward to the OMA board, where the member-at-large was selected via election
  • Appointments are for a two-year term
Human Resources and Compensation Committee
Human Resources and Compensation Committee


To assist the board of directors (or any other committee of the board) in its oversight role with respect to:

  • Human resources strategy, policies, and programs
  • Performance evaluation, compensation recommendations and succession planning of the chief executive officer
  • The appropriate use of human capital within the OMA by the CEO and designated senior management, with specific focus on succession planning, development, and compensation


  • Denise Carpenter, chair
  • Hirotaka Yamashiro, vice-chair
  • Cathy Faulds
  • Cynthia Walsh
  • Paul Conte

Appointment process

  • Appointments to the HRCC are made at the recommendation of the GNC and approval of the OMA board
  • Appointments are for a two-year term
Other board and advisory committees
Other board and advisory committees

In addition to the standing committees, there are other key committees and taskforces (including bilateral committees) that report directly to the OMA board. This includes the Negotiations Task Force, Physician Services Committee and the Medical Services Payment Committee. OMA advisory committees report to the board indirectly through the CEO. This includes the Relativity Advisory Committee and Health Policy Committee.

The Nominations and Appointments Committee is a decision-making committee within the OMA and has a dual reporting relationship to the GNC and the GASC. The committee has oversight responsibility for the recruitment and appointment of qualified members to serve on the panels and working groups of the GA. The committee also supports the promotion and recruitment of qualified candidates for election to the GASC and to the board of directors.

Appointment process

  • Unless otherwise stated in the committee charter, the appointment process for all OMA committees is overseen by the GNC, with recommendations brought forward to the board for approval. To ensure a skills-based appointment process, interested candidates are asked to complete a standard application form. A standardized skills matrix is then used to evaluate all applications, with an added lens for diversity of candidate experiences, clinical background, gender, and geography. In recent years, there has been an increased use of interviews for technical and bilateral committees to ensure that recommendations are based on combined quantitative and qualitative assessments. Key committee appointments undertaken by the GNC over the course of the last year include the MSPC, RAC and NTF.

Constituency governance review

As part of governance transformation, the OMA committed to conduct a detailed review of all constituency groups, including sections, districts, branch societies, MIGs and fora to ensure groups are aligned with new governance requirements and that an appropriate structure and supports are in place to achieve mandates and optimize engagement in the GA.

With the oversight of the GNC, this work is now underway and will include extensive consultation to develop new charters for each constituency type, and to facilitate member-driven recommendations on how to optimize engagement moving forward. The charter work is expected to be completed by November 2022, with recommendations brought forward to the OMA board for approval.