2022 Annual Governance Report

A progress report on OMA’s governance transformation

We are pleased to present the inaugural Annual Governance Report to members, which highlights the considerable progress we have made in our governance transformation journey this past year.

As we advance the implementation of the OMA’s governance transformation blueprint, it has been rewarding to see the principles embedded in the plan take shape and the OMA become a truly member-driven organization, delivering on the priorities that matter most to you.

While there is more work to do, let us consider how far we have come since last year’s spring meeting:

  • In March 2022, for the first time ever, all members had a binding vote on the proposed Physician Services Agreement
  • Members elected a smaller, skills-based board, enabling more effective decision-making, including three non-physician directors
  • Members voted directly for the president-elect
  • The first two member-driven priorities, reducing delays in patient care and data supports for work and health human resources, have been identified by the Priority and Leadership Group, approved by the board, and forwarded to the advocacy, and issues and policy panels where work will begin to provide concrete and achievable recommendations for implementation

These represent just a few of the year’s successes. In this report you will find detailed information about the work of each of the OMA’s governing bodies in 2022, including the board of directors, OMA committees, as well as updates on the association’s subsidiaries.

As we look ahead, the organization’s focus will be on implementing the PSA, conducting a review of the OMA’s constituency groups, as well as a charter review of the board’s standing committees, OMA advisory committees, and much more.

These are significant milestones in our journey to become a world-class medical association — a member-driven OMA that represents all voices and protects the interests of physicians, while positioning our organization to meet the challenges and opportunities, today and in the future.

Thank you,

Dr. Paul Conte, board chair
Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman, board member and chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee

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Governance at a glance

Following the approval of governance transformation in November 2020, the OMA has made significant progress on the implementation of a new, modern governance structure that is member-driven and represents all voices and protects the interests of members.

The focus has been on:

  • Good governance and accountability
  • Physician support and advocacy
  • Resolution of compensation issues
  • Robust member services and operations
  • Transparency and high integrity
  • Effective communication

The governance structure


Inside the report

The board of directors, the highest decision-making authority within the OMA, had a highly successful year operating as a smaller, skills-based board with three non-physician leaders.

The General Assembly made great strides in 2021-2022, setting key organizational priorities for the coming year.

The OMA’s three subsidiaries are evolving their governance structures and processes to better serve members, support the delivery of their mandates, while ensuring the OMA has appropriate oversight of their activities.