Voting and results
Find out the voting details and results of the single election period
2025 Single election period
Learn more about terms and how rankings are calculated on the frequently asked question page. The president-elect and board director-elects begin their terms on May 1 at the end of the 2025 AGM.
Your elected representatives
- Dr. Rebecca Hicks (2025–2026)
Board directors
- Dr. Khalid Azzam (two-year term)
- Dr. Cathy Faulds (two-year term)
- Dr. Ramsey Hijazi (two-year term)
- Dr. Brian Rotenberg (two-year term)
How you voted
Voting was open from Jan.13-Feb.7 for constituency leader positions and board of directors that were up for election and for president-elect. Voting took place online using a secure third-party vendor. All OMA members who were eligible to vote received a ‘Notice of Voting’ when the voting system opened. Online voting is managed by a third-party service provider. Big Pulse is a high-security electronic management system that uses a vote count verification protocol to provide voters with a receipt to enhance security.