Constituency group charters
As part of the governance transformation, the OMA committed to conduct a detailed review of all constituency groups, including sections, districts, branch societies, MIGs and fora to ensure groups are aligned with new governance requirements and that an appropriate structure and supports are in place to achieve mandates and optimize engagement within the OMA.
The first phase of work focused on the districts. The OMA board recently approved a new charter for OMA districts, which includes a renewed mandate and leadership structure and the creation of new positions. The district charter is designed to address the unique and important role of the districts in supporting members and advocating for system and policy issues relevant to their region. New district roles, including vice-chair and member-at-large positions, have been filled through an OMA by-election that closed on April 5, 2023.
The second phase of the review focused on OMA sections. The OMA board approved the new charter for OMA sections in September 2023. The charter will standardize position descriptions, section composition and terms, while clarifying section governance accountabilities. More information on this important part of the governance transformation journey will be shared with members as it is available.
Section Charter
Sections represent specialty groupings of members by their area of clinical practice and provide a means to share information within the clinical, practice-type or specialty interest-oriented groups of physician members.
District charter
Districts provide a forum for members from specific areas of the province to discuss regional issues and advance their perspective.
Constituency groups
Sections, districts, branch societies, medical interest groups and fora represent the interests of their constituency groups.
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