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Palliative Care Facilitated Access List

The Palliative Care Facilitated Access List ("PCFA List") is maintained by the Ontario Medical Association ("OMA") and shared with Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program and Ontario pharmacists for purposes described below. Physicians who wish to be added to the PCFA List must meet one or more of the criteria in the declaration below.

Specific products used to treat ODB-eligible patients undergoing palliative (end-of-life) care are reimbursed through the Facilitated Access (FA) process under the Exceptional Access Program (EAP) of the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Act. Under this process, physicians on the PCFA List are exempt from the usual paperwork associated with the provision of these products (i.e. exempt from obtaining approval under the EAP on a case by case basis).

Palliative care medication claims to be reimbursed under the ODB program must be prescribed in accordance with the following patient eligibility criteria: The patient has a progressive, life-limiting illness and requires the requested medication for symptom management.

To facilitate the reimbursement process at the pharmacy, the prescriber is asked to indicate either, “Palliative” or “P.C.F.A.”, on the prescription to signify that the patient meets the above-noted eligibility criteria. This would be an indication to the pharmacist that these medications may be reimbursed under this mechanism. The physician’s College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario registration number must also appear on the prescription for purposes of verification.

A list of products eligible for reimbursement through the FA is maintained by the ODB and can be found here: ODB Formulary/Comparative Drug Index. Please see section VI-B.

PCFA Declaration Form

  • This field is required

  • I declare that I have met one or more of the criteria below *:

  • I also confirm and agree that my eligibility to be added to and remain on the PCFA list is contingent upon my continued meeting one or more of the criteria listed above for the duration of 1 year. I, therefore, undertake to notify the OMA immediately if I no longer meet any of the above criteria.

  • Once the form is submitted, we will review and respond within 2 business days. If you do not receive a response, please email

    I acknowledge that typing my name in the field below serves as my electronic signature.
